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7 Do’s And Don’ts Of Toenail Fungus (#3 Might Shock You)

It starts as a constant itch between your toes.

After a few days, the itch is unbearable and the skin around your toes is red, scaling and swelling.

Next thing you know, it looks like a creature is growing out from under your nail!

It’s a toenail fungus, and it afflicts millions of people every year.

But don’t panic! Here are 7 Do’s And Don’ts that will help kill that fungus for good.

  1. DON'T - Go barefoot: Locker rooms, public pools, and showers are loaded with bacteria just waiting to get to your toes. Always wear flip-flops, sandals, or shower shoes in a moist environment.
  2. DO - Disinfect Your Home Shower: You can’t control how clean public places are, but you can make sure your home shower is fungus free! Try 1 cup of bleach mixed with 5 cups of water once per week to keep it fungus free.
  3. DON'T - Cut Your Nail Along The Curve: Toes that have a visible fungus should be cut short and straight to keep the nail from digging into the skin where the fungus likes to hide.
  4. DON’T - Over Moisturize: Your fungus loves moisture so over moisturizing your feet might seem like a good idea, but could end up making a lovely home for your fungus.
  5. DO - Wear Moisture-Wicking Socks: These will help dry out shoes and kill fungus. You can find these at running stores and athletic stores.
  6. DON’T - Use A Topical Cream: Unless prescribed by a doctor most topical fungus creams have little to no effect.
  7. DO - Take a fungus killing nutrient daily: Most people think that the best way to kill foot fungus is from the outside in. But did you know most foot fungus live deep inside the blood stream?

The good news is that there is a powerful combination of nutrients known for their ability to starve fungus spores from the inside out…

And once you cut off its ability to feed itself, you could see fungus free toenails in just 2 weeks.